In this article we want to give you some smart Google SEO tips for 2021 and provide you with a ton of resources to prepare your SEO strategy for this year.
Content / On-page SEO
Let's talk about content and point out some tips for on-page SEO.
1. Republish the main content
2021 is the year you should consider relaunching your core content.
Content can get stale after a few years. You qatar mobile number list have a blog, you launch it, and you share it on social media. Most people forget about it after that. So go back, look at your top content from the last two to five years (or even longer) and see what you can update and republish while keeping the same URL. In some cases, you'll get 500% to 1000% improvements from this simple action of updating content while leveraging the same URL.
2. Increase the number of internal links
Currently, many of the top SEO agencies , when they need to quickly increase client rankings, often use two things that they know are the easiest levers to pull. First, title tags and meta descriptions, which gets more clicks, but also increased internal links.
Explore your website and you will see that there are many more opportunities to increase internal links than you thought. In the following two tips you will see how to do it without too much effort.
3. Update old content with new links
This is a step we see people skip over and over again. When you publish a new blog post or new content, make sure to go back and update your old content with those new links.
That is, find the main keyword you want to rank for and go to Google Search Console or use tools like Keyword Explorer to see what other pages on your site are ranking for that keyword, and then add links to the new content on those pages. You'll see that each time you do this, you'll reduce the bounce rate. It's about not only updating your old page with new content but also with new links that give it greater relevance.
4. Remove unnecessary links
Removing links is a form of PageRank sculpting , an ugly SEO thing, but actually, nofollowing some pages can work.
It’s all about removing unnecessary links. Do you really need a link to your “About Us” page on every page of your website? Do you need a link to your contact form on every page of your website? Possibly not all of them. Removing unnecessary links will give prominence to the links that really count: the ones that are an important Google ranking signal.
5. Parity audit of mobile links
You should perform a mobile link parity audit. What is that? That's ensuring that the links on your mobile site are the same as the links on your desktop site. Why is this so important? Well, in recent years, Google has prioritized a mobile-first index, meaning that your website is what it finds on your mobile site.