When qualitative research method is used - in-depth interview

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When qualitative research method is used - in-depth interview

Post by Mimakte »

The technology gives good results in the following situations:

When it is necessary to clarify the company's target audience. This is important for companies that have a large range of goods/services, but it is unclear what exactly the goods are and to whom to offer them. An in-depth interview allows you to create a consumer profile for a specific area in order to develop an appropriate advertising strategy.

When you need to analyze the reasons for purchasing a product. Thus, when creating applications, you can find out which options consumers would like to improve, which completely satisfy them.

When you need to find out what consumers kuwait whatsapp numbers think about a specific offer. This is useful for testing new promotions/services.

When it is necessary to analyze the market before launching a product, especially if it concerns a specific product, when the company has few customers. Thanks to the research, it is possible to see if there is an oversaturation of similar offers and to learn about the problems of customers. In developing a marketing strategy, an in-depth interview allows you to understand what needs special attention.

A detailed conversation will allow you to identify objections that prevent customers from making a purchase. For example, a clinic patient may not be confident in the qualifications of doctors and for this reason is not ready to pay for a consultation.

It is during the interview that you can find out why customers prefer the products of competing companies. This method is based on open questions and creating an atmosphere of trust, which encourages a frank conversation, during which a person will honestly tell you what exactly attracts him to competitors.


When creating a new product or improving an existing one, an interview will show whether it will be of interest to potential customers.

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Questions for in-depth interviews
If you know the tasks and can conduct long conversations with immersion in the topic, you can make up a list of questions yourself. Remember that a survey and an interview are different things and cannot be substituted for each other. In the latter, you need to not only ask questions, but also show empathy for the interlocutor. Experienced interviewers see: he doubts, does not tell the whole story. They know when to use clarifying questions to better understand the motivation for the purchase.

There is no universal list of questions for conducting an in-depth interview - they are prepared depending on the specific task. You need to decide what exactly you want to find out.

Questions for in-depth interviews

Source: shutterstock.com

So, if you are planning to release a new product, you need to carefully study the needs of customers, ways to solve them and motivation. If you are changing an existing product, ask more about how the product is used, what were the expectations and whether they were met.

In-depth interviews should use open questions that do not have a clear answer. It is important that the tasks are clarifying and do not contain an answer. Examples:

Incorrect question containing the statement: "These sneakers are brightly colored. Why did you decide to buy them and not others?"

Correct: "Why did you want to buy these particular sneakers?"

You cannot impose your point of view in questions or direct your interlocutor in any way. You can only correct a person if he has strayed from the main question and started to reason off-topic.

You need to ask about the client's previous experience, their motivation, and their current action. You can't force the respondent. You don't need to push them to reason - they should talk about their experience, not share assumptions.

Wrong question : "Why do you think this product helps solve the problem?"

Correct : "How did you solve your problem using this product? Tell us about your last application? Remember your first experience - what were the difficulties?"

At the beginning of the conversation, you need to use simple questions to establish contact with the interlocutor. You can say that you will use a voice recorder to help if you forget something. Explain to the interlocutor that you are interested in his experience, and you will not force him to solve any problems.

This is necessary for the person to relax a little and get ready for a calm conversation in which no one will demand the impossible from him. Examples of questions suitable for an in-depth interview:

How did the need for the product arise? How did you solve the problem before purchasing it?

For what reason did you purchase the product? Tell us in detail how it happened?

Was the transaction comfortable? Did anything bother you during the purchase? Tell us how stress manifested itself, if any?

What were your feelings when you made the deal? And when did you start using the products?

Have you considered an alternative product? What attracted you to it, what turned you off? Why did you decide to buy this particular product?

Tell us about using it for the first time? What did you like? What caused concerns? Did you ask your friends for help, search for information on the Internet?

What is annoying about the product?

Did you manage to solve your need? What is happening with it now?

Is there such a need in your environment? How do people solve
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