An ethnocentric growth strategy for the internationalization of a company involves direct investment in markets that are culturally similar to the national one . In this way, the company avoids the risk of not country code philippines mobile adapting the product to a specific market. This type of entry strategy is the one that companies usually use when they begin an expansion in foreign markets .
Polycentric strategy
A polycentric internationalization strategy involves entering a market taking into account its specificities. A company adopting this entry strategy must carry out a thorough market analysis . In addition to direct exports, companies may resort to sales under license or joint ventures during this type of expansion.
Double strategy
The dual strategy is an attempt to reconcile a polycentric strategy and a global strategy. It assumes that the international market is homogeneous, but draws attention to the differentiation of marketing activities in different sales regions. An example of this strategy is exporting identical products using different promotion methods. This is the most difficult form of expansion.
The above division is just one concept of the different strategies. In addition to it, there are many different approaches to the internationalization process. Each of them has its own advantages and applications, so it is worth knowing and understanding the variety of strategies well in order to choose the one that best suits the needs and objectives of a particular company.