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Some common giveaways are

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 5:08 am
by ritu2000
Now that you’re all clued up, let’s jump right into it!

Mistake 1: Giving away clues to the key
In every eLearning assessment, a learner’s test score = a) what they learned + b) what they guessed correctly.

That means that if you want an phone numbers lebanon accurate picture of learner knowledge you need to make it hard to guess the right answer.

A key that’s longer than the distractors.
A key that contains a word or phrase from the question that’s not found in the distractors.
A key that’s more complex, precise, or detailed than the distractors.
“All of the above” or “None of the above” as a key.
Take a look at the question below (the key is marked in yellow). What do you think’s wrong with the question? (Hint: There’s a few things wrong with it!)

Why do Snafflegooks roar at dawn? Choose the correct answer. A) Their roar scares avian and aquatic predators. B) The song awakens the pack. C) The sound attracts mates.