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Small and medium-sized business sector

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2024 7:19 am
by samiaseo222
CSM Sector P the team Small and medium-sized enterprises is a group of companies operating in the public and private sectors. It usually includes small, medium and micro enterprises, and the term is used worldwide, including by the European Union, the United Nations, the World Trade Organization and the World Bank. One of the main criteria for determining whether a company belongs to the SME sector is the number of employees, which must not exceed 250. A company that employs 250 people will already be considered a large company.

In Poland, the SME sector was formally introduced into philippine cp number legislation in 2004, in order to harmonise Polish legislation with European Union standards. According to this definition, the SME sector can be classified as follows: any business entity regardless of its legal form. Entrepreneurs belonging to the SME sector include self-employed persons, family businesses engaged in craft or other activities, and companies or consortia that regularly carry out business activities.


The situation of small and medium-sized businesses in Poland is dynamic and challenging. Small businesses are engaged in a wide variety of business activities, from retail to advanced technological services. Unfortunately, many of them still struggle with problems related to business financing that can hinder their growth and development. In many cases, the growth of these businesses through investment in new technologies or expansion into new markets is limited by the lack of adequate sources of financing. Therefore, it remains important to strive to create more favourable conditions for financing small and medium-sized businesses.