It is common knowledge that Press Relations plays an important role in the notoriety, credibility and image of a company in its market. We also all know the importance of Digital Marketing in ensuring that the company is found online by its target audience and that it evolves from a website visitor to a lead, customer and finally a fan. Since the results are much better if the actions are integrated, how about getting even more value from Press Relations by combining it with the potential of Digital Marketing? We share 5 simple ways to maximize synergies.
Place the press release on your website: After sending the press release (first make sure it is newsworthy !), place it on your website with associated keywords and optimized to be thailand number for whatsapp easily found in search engines. Include an image, also optimized (for example, using a file name that is related to the text and not generic, such as “image-1”, and filling in the “alt-alternative text” with what the image represents), and allow direct sharing on social networks. Depending on the relevance of the topic, we also suggest creating a banner on the homepage with a call-to-action.
Use links in your press release: Whenever possible, include links to more information on the topics in your own words (so that they are easily understood by search engines as being related to the company in question – rather than using generic words such as “find out more”). In addition to allowing the journalist to obtain additional information, this generates more traffic to the website and increases potential interest in other areas.
Reinvent the press release: Instead of working on the press release only with journalists, leverage it in various inbound marketing initiatives . For example, if it is a press release about a major project implemented in the healthcare sector in the area of Business Intelligence, give it a more educational perspective and transform it into a blog post ; adapt it to a SlideShare presentation or infographic; create a summary for social media and create a new cover photo with the client's testimonial; share it as a success story in the periodic e-newsletter; adapt it for a focused lead nurturing campaign (aimed at potential clients in the same sector and with the same type of challenges) with a call-to-action on a landing page ; organize a webinar... The press release is not a static document and works in several ways, all online.
Share news published by the media on your website and social media: Place the clipping on your website and select the one that is really relevant and prestigious, also on social media and in your e-newsletter. Typically, after publishing impactful news, the impact on the website (visits) and on social media (followers/shares) is notable, so take advantage of the opportunity!
Build a Press Room: By providing a Press Room and continually updating it, in addition to the “service” provided to the media (saving time and effort in exchanging emails and phone calls with information that can be centralized and accessible at any time and place), there are also advantages in terms of SEO and demonstrating dynamism to other targets of the company.
Of course, content is king and it has to be interesting, relevant and useful to its audience, otherwise none of the above makes sense.