Use advanced technologies to free up managers' time from constant phone calls during the working day. The latest developments in this area allow integration with CRM systems, IP mailing address example philippines telephony and making calls. This will help create a complete communication network in your company.
Many services and technology programs offer opportunities to improve and monitor sales, including tools for cold calling potential customers. Before you can start using them, you need to ensure that you have the right infrastructure in place.
Integration of IP telephony with CRM system
At the moment of a cold call, the CRM system automatically receives all the information about it. It accumulates call statistics, saves conversation records and creates a list of contacts for automatic callback.

Reverse call
This process involves automatically calling people on your prospect list who you have not previously contacted.
Using an alternative number to make calls
There are two main reasons why this may be necessary:
Technical aspects : Usually managers prefer not to use their personal mobile phone for customer calling services.
Psychological considerations . When a subscriber sees on the display a number from which he has already been called several times, he may deliberately ignore the call. With an unfamiliar number, he will probably not refuse to talk.
Automating the process of entering leads into CRM
Creating and maintaining order in a database is a time-consuming and labor-intensive task. It is more efficient to use automation and make the work of managers easier. After all, if an employee spends about an hour a day processing data, then up to 20 hours accumulate in a month. This time could be spent on other important tasks.
It turns out that when there is no need to communicate with a live person, most people prefer to receive calls from automated systems.